Action Against Hunger

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Action Against Hunger

Feeding a hungry child is not charity but a social responsibility

Food for Life (FFL) is the world’s largest vegetarian food distribution program serving millions of meals daily, with projects in over 60 countries.

Program is being implemented in municipal, government aided, and non-aided schools for the benefit of underprivileged children. The work is done without any commercial motive to support the needy students at large without any discrimination on the grounds of religion, caste, creed, or gender.

Currently, Food for Life’s largest programs are in India. More than 1.2 million school children are a served multi-course hot, healthy, and tasty lunch six days a week in cities throughout the sub-continent, through a partnership with the Indian government for the ‘Mid-day Meal’ scheme. Education administrators have stated that the ISKCON Food for Life program, known locally as Annamrita, actually facilitates many poor children to attend school. Otherwise, they explain, without the program the children would be forced to work as child laborers to earn enough to eat for the day.